
Frequently Asked Questions

How long do Delicouki snacks stay fresh?

The shelf life varies by product. Please refer to the product’s technical sheet for specific details. Delicouki snacks can be frozen and only the required quantity can be thawed as needed. A frozen snack placed in a lunchbox will be ready to eat by lunchtime.

Are all Delicouki snacks peanut-free and nut-free?

Yes, all Delicouki snacks are completely peanut-free and nut-free. See our quality control page for more details.

Are your snacks made in Quebec?

Absolutely, at 100%! In collaboration with nutritionists, our in-house team of experts develops all our snacks. Every cookie and snack is made in our factory in Montreal. We are proud to be certified “Aliments préparés au Québec”.

Can I freeze my snacks?

Of course! All Delicouki snacks can be frozen and kept in the freezer for 6 to 12 months. Check the product’s technical sheet for more details. Freezing cookies is an excellent way to preserve their freshness longer.

Why are your snacks individually wrapped?

Individual packaging is required to meet the safety and hygiene standards of sensitive environments such as schools, daycare centers, hospitals, senior homes, and other institutions. This ensures food safety for our consumers. Additionally, individual packaging offers practical, portion-controlled consumption while maintaining the freshness and quality of each snack.

Where can I find the ingredients and nutritional values of Delicouki snacks?

You can directly find the ingredient list and nutritional values on each product’s technical sheet. This allows you to make informed decisions based on your dietary needs. For more details, visit our products page.

Through which distributors can I order your snacks?

The list of distributors offering our snacks is continually growing! If you are already working with one of our distributors, we invite you to contact them directly. If not, please contact us to take the necessary steps together.

What is your position on using palm oil in your snacks?

Our Research and Development (R&D) team is actively working on formulating new snacks without palm oil. While this transition takes time, we are committed to moving in this direction.

Some of our snacks currently contain non-hydrogenated margarine made with palm oil, an ingredient used for its texture and flavor. However, we are actively exploring alternatives to maintain the quality of our snacks while eliminating palm oil.

Moreover, to understand the environmental impact of palm oil, we have partnered with a Quebec-based company that sources responsibly certified palm oil in compliance with RSPO standards.

We hope to offer snacks without palm oil soon while maintaining the quality and taste you love.

I’m concerned about the sugar in your snacks consumed by children. What can you tell me about this?

Reducing sugar consumption among young people is a critical public health issue. According to a recent article by Isabelle Huot in the Journal de Montréal, various solutions are being explored to address this challenge. First, food education plays a key role. School programs and awareness campaigns effectively inform young people about the dangers of sugar and healthier alternatives.


Additionally, government measures such as advertising restrictions on sugary foods and taxes on sugary drinks are being considered to promote more balanced food choices.


The analysis of a food product can be done by reviewing its ingredient list, nutritional values, and the quality of the sources of its ingredients. For example, sugar derived from dates is higher quality than refined sugar.


We encourage you to explore our different product lines to find snacks that meet your taste and nutritional balance expectations.